A Jamison Christmas Letter: From Me to You


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Dear Family and Friends,

I am lounging on my well-worn sofa. The TV is on, Kitty is sitting on top of my papers, the tree is bright with those old-timey bulbs, Jake is playing a video game upstairs on his Xbox Live, Todd is cooking spaghetti, and I am writing this letter.

What makes today different? Today was the last day of this fall semester and this month marks the end of 2012. For that, I am thankful.

When you think back to your 2012 experiences, what stands out in your mind? What would you write about in a letter? I am not one to write Christmas letters; usually I just send one of those cards, but my husband insisted that I write this. I secretly suspect that he is in competition with the fantastic letters our relatives write each year; but of course, I won’t tell him this.

Nothing is better than lounging by the water and reading a great book.

Nothing is better than lounging by the water and reading a great book.

I’ll be brief with our family news, because I’d rather hear back from all of you. In Jan. 2012, the Jamison family started their year off with some fantastic folks – the “Columbia Crowd” (Lani, Mike, and everyone from USC). We went to a Charleston beach house and hung out with several long-time friends: we played pool, fished, cooked (well the other ladies cooked. I ate.) We hung out at the pier, took long walks on the beach, read books on the dock, and did whatever we wanted to do. The picture to the left shows me doing what I wanted to do, which was lounging at the dock reading the Outlander Series.

The above leads me to request something very important of you: as we continue the all-too-short holiday season, it is important to remember to take at least one day to do whatever the heck you want to do. You deserve it.

Now, to sum up 2012 in a series of sentence fragments: Birthdays: 41. 50. 10. A new business partner for Todd. Comprehensive PhD Exams; a “High Pass” for Elizabeth. Summer of All-Stars, All-Skate and White-Water for Jake. Fishing and relaxing at Lani and Mike’s Lake. Kelly and Rory’s beautiful wedding. The Lodge in Madison, South Dakota, where they will make you nachos even after they’ve “closed”. Successfully defending my dissertation prospectus on Dec. 6, (this means I move forward and can finish my PhD after starting in 2008. Just have to write the actual dissertation!). I don’t know how long it will take in reality, since I am starting all over with research; however, I know that if I apply myself I can do it. I am hoping to become Dr. Jamison by Fall, 2013.

What are you working on this year? What new goals have you decided to create and complete?

These are just a few of my goals. Mostly, I just want to keep it together!

These are just a few of my goals. Mostly, I just want to keep it together!

Jake, who turned 10 on Nov. 7, 2012, is a study in contradictions. Nevertheless, I couldn’t be more proud. He and I seem to share the same twisted sense of humor, which makes morning trips to school fun. He’s in that phase now: “ to play baseball and commit, or to not and sit?” Seriously – – I love going to his games, but sometimes he’s just not into it. The paradox is that while he’s not always into it mentally, physically, he gives his all at every single game. I have to respect that. He’s a very talented athlete and the best 10-year-old player in the Acworth Mustang Division. You may be thinking, “Aw, that’s just “Proud Parent Speak”…I assure you that he’s pretty darn good.J

I love playing catch with him outside our house. When I don’t feel like expending the energy, I watch Jake and his Dad play. That’s almost just as fun – – maybe more. Jake has also demonstrated his athleticism at the roller rink. I swear, we go there at least once a week. I work; he skates and plays video games. I research; he drinks a Coke and skates some more. It’s a good system. I think I’ve written just about the last two years of my research papers there.

The lesson here: Parents, roller rinks are good.

Jake has also done something that has shocked us in a good way. He has taken up reading, and not just part-time. He loves it. He has read the entire 22-book Warriors series, the Harry Potter series through book 4, the Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series,

The logo of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series.

The logo of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

and now he’s reading the Percy Jackson series. Some may be reading this and thinking, “No wonder, his mom’s an English teacher”. No…I didn’t read to him that much; in fact, when I get home from my teaching, the last thing I feel like doing is more work. Todd was the one who read to him, and then Jake just started reading on his own. I am so thankful.

Speaking of Todd, we are so proud of him for keeping his business going and growing! With this shi*$% economy we all know that it’s hard, to say the least. Todd has an office in Acworth, GA, a new partner, two employees, and an admirable docket of on-going and upcoming projects. For that, I am thankful and he is miserable. Just kidding, kind of.J.

My job at Harrison High School is going well. I love my students (but I must say the freshmen were CRAZY these last few weeks). I am lucky to work in such a good school. Possibly the highlight of our semester was our Casserole day. Each student brought a homemade casserole to the class. It felt like Thanksgiving.

So, what I really want to know is how are you doing? What’s going on in your life? Please email me at elizjamison@gmail.com or reach me at my blog at http://dissertationgal.com and keep me updated on your contact info and on your life. Life is too short to lose track of friends and family.

Hey—Have a Fantastic Christmas and New Year 2013. We are going back to Charleston to have another peaceful stay with our friends. I hope you have something fun planned and that you are taking time out for you.


Elizabeth, Todd, Jake, Mitchell, and Kitty