What to do when you don’t have time for Holiday shopping.

I don’t know about you, but as a teacher, mom, wife, and PhD candidate, I have absolutely NO time to shop for Christmas presents. I am also sick of the trite presents I find on basic store sites. I was looking for something a little different, something unique that would really make an impression.

My students would LOVE this! SO CUTE.

I found it in Thirty-One products. My friend Michelle sells them (she always has a great deal going) and so I thought I’d share with all my busy friends. By the way, this is totally sharing and not for any money. I am in no way linked to the Thirty-One organization; I’m just helping people lower those stress levels.

So check out the info below and do all your shopping in about ten minutes. You won’t regret it.  I have ordered Thirty-One products from her in the past, and let me tell you, it has made my life so much easier. I’ve handled wedding gifts, Christmas gifts, and even random gifts (of course I had to get a few things for myself!) in literally minutes! That beats the crowds and the malls, doesn’t it?

I bought this for my MALE cousin for his wedding gift. I put his and her initials on it. It was AWESOME and classy. The perfect gift for a guy.


She is offering anyone who makes a purchase of $100.00 before shipping and tax the chance to win one of five fabulous prizes:

 1-URU wristlet

2-inspiration scarf

3-Pocket-a-tote (Otherwise unavailable until January, is it a clip-on zipper pocket that fits our large utility tote as well as our medium utility tote.)

4-$10.00 gift certificate to Thirty-one

5-$25.00 gift certificate to Thirty-one

How awesome is this bag? I want one for my son’s baseball team!!!

 Just for shopping with her for your holiday needs you can win free merchandise or gift certificates!  They also have a great customer special running right now.  For every $35.00 purchase you make you can buy a medium utility tote for only $5.00 (a $30.00 value).  This tote will only be available for a limited time. they have a limited edition Holiday Print called snowmuchfun.  See attached flyers. 

    To qualify for the prizes  either call or email Michelle with your order or put it in on her website at http://www.mythirtyone.com/michellecappucci  and shop through her party “Michelle’s Holiday Shop“.

Don’t hesitate to call her with any questions at (770) 864-3816.

I love to mix and match the color of the bags and text. So Cute!!!